Archivi del mese: Maggio 2017

MySQL Delete rows subquery You can’t specify target table ‘XXX’ for update in FROM clause

Today my colleague and I have received a gift from MySQL. Our goal was to delete some rows obtaining them using a subquery. Here is the query: And here the response of MySQL You can’t specify target table ‘ps_pack’ for … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in SQL | Contrassegnato , , | Lascia un commento

Draw chart, network diagram, architectural diagram, gantt etc.

Do you have to write documentation and you need chart or flow diagram, architectural diagram, comunication diagram, gantt or something like that? If you haven’t installed Visio these sites might help you: Free (It allows to save your chart directly … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Uncategorized | Contrassegnato , , , | Lascia un commento